Time And Attendance Systems

Time And Attendance Systems

Talk to us when you need to find time and attendance systems for your business

Are you looking to closely monitor the hours your employees work? Do you want to find a simple way to keep better track of everyone’s whereabouts? Maybe you wish to have better control over rostering? If you want to invest in the right time and attendance system, we are here to help.

At ActIn Time we offer something that is much more than your average time and attendance system

With our solution, you can benefit from:

Attendance Adjustments- the screen interacts seamlessly with the absence management calendar.

Recalculation- recalculation function can be used used to recalculate an employee’s hours based on any changes made

Overtime Authorisation- automatically flag overtime

Remuneration- assigning a remuneration policy to an employee can identify the cost of hours worked in a pay period

Planner- the planner module allows for easy temporary shift changes

Shift Types- a comprehensive range of shift patterns and criteria available

Break Rules- choose from a wide selection of standard break types

GPRS Tracking- an employee’s clocked locations can be viewed on a map when combined with the mobile app

Manual Adjustments- proactive reminders plus highlighted adjustment records help speed the process and highlight repeat offenders.

Core Time Infringements- highlight employee’s swipes that are clocking either in late or out early

Shift Analyse- analyse clocking times and scenarios

To book a demo, get in touch with our team today.